Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome 2008! We are looking forward to the arrival of the two new members of the Ekern family! Good luck to Chris and Angie as they are due a few short weeks before us.

Phil and I just returned from our trip to the UK on Sunday. What a great time we had with Mom and Dad Berndt, and the Hay and Clements clans!! We spent a couple of days each in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Troon, Scotland. Our last leg of the trip was spent in London. I really wish that we could have had a few more days, or weeks even to explore the city. It is absolutely fabulous!!!

Unfortunately I do not have any pictures. I dropped my camera on our second day there, which is no surprise since I have become very clumsy. As I was reading one of my REALLY outdated pregnancy books, there was actually a small section relating to what they call sausage fingers. No joke!! This is caused by swelling from water weight and looser joints. One more fun symptom. I probably should not be allowed to handle dishes or sharp knives either:)

Of course I can't complain too much about these small little inconveniences. I had another appointment yesterday, and everything is looking good, especially considering my age, which is pretty much mentioned at every one of my appointments. Do they not know that 35 is the new 25? Biologically I guess it isn't!

Baby B. is moving around A LOT. Perhaps we have a little soccer player on our hands? Phil definitely hopes that is the case. It's a really cool feeling and I find it very comforting.

Have a great day!