Wednesday, February 3, 2010

it's STILL winter

That silly little groundhog predicted another 6 weeks of winter. Based on the calculations, the coming of spring would be around mid-March. But this is Minnesota, so you all know that we have another 3 months of winter- grrrr!

So far we have escaped extreme sickness, however Liam started the month with a double ear infection, cough and a slight fever. I played SAHM for a couple of days, which is always interesting. I have a new respect for my friends that stay home. It is HARD WORK, especially when you have two little terriers that bark at every single squirrel playing in the tree. Annoying.

After the doctor's appointment was out of the way, we had a lot of fun. Surprisingly, he was in a good mood.

We played "B Ball", which is Liam's term for golf. See the connection? Other than the fact that there is a ball involved, I don't either. But that's okay. In his little head, there is a connection.

He loves books, so we also did a lot of reading. I have read "Let's Go to the Zoo" 200 times over the last two days. Out of 30+ books, this is his favorite.

And then there is Diego. I let him watch a few episodes that were DVR'd (this is not the smartest move- he now thinks Diego is on 24/7 AND he knows how to turn on the tv). Liam loves to sing along and answer Diego's questions. However, at the end of each episode we have to deal with a mini tantrum- he throws his hands on his head, arches his back and screams "noooooooooooooooo, Dago!"

He is so dramatic, especially for a boy.

Last night I couldn't wait for Phil to come home and relieve me, but this morning I am missing my baby terribly:(